Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Pics...for real!

Here we go folks....It's taken me so long just to add the basics here....I didn't put up a lot of my more "artsy" pics. Now I've been here so long, I can't give but the bare minimum for explainations...enjoy.

My first view of Europe
Me waiting for Paul at the airport
Ancient Agora
Me at guess where.....yep, Parthenonview of Athens from the Parthenon

Random pics from around AthensGreece has lots of playgrounds
Temple of Zeus Loads of mini-markets, not many grocery storesThis one's for you, MattOld Olympic stadium (from the 1800's I believe??)National Museum of Archeology....not the best museum I've ever been to. My favorite piece of the whole place
Me having a drink in the national gardens
Lots of Grecian graffiti


The view from our hotel outside of Meteora (atop of those big rocks sit 24 monestaries. Beautiful)
Nightlife in small town northern Greece
Monestary in Meteora
My first experience with one of these.....interesting.On to something more pleasant....
My first ever big boat overnighter with a cabin from Athens to Santorini Me and my afternoon wine overlooking the ocean in Santorini
Me and Pip splitting Thai food at the hostel (I'm so over Greek food....very heavy)
The boat Paul and I rode on our day trip around Santorini
Me at the top of the "volcano" wasn't much but it was beautiful up thereNext we went to an island off Santorini...See that winding white thing? That's the sidewalk I walked all the way to the top Had to get out of the way for the donkeys
Behind me in the distance are the sulfer hot springs...I jumped off the side of the boat and swam over....a great triumph considering I'm afraid of the ocean
Last we stopped in Oia for sunset....the town was beautiful, but the sunset that day wasn't great.

So the next morning I woke up with some of the girls for sunrise
Me, Sally, Rhiannon, and Sarah....all of them traveling alone...a great inspiration to me since I'll be one of them soon enough!
Paul and I rented a scooter for a day around the island. It was SO much fun! Look mom, I'm wearing my helmet!
We went to the beach and lounged around until sunset.....sunrise and sunset in Santorini. Not a bad life.

I'm in Crete are the first pics taken in Hania, Crete

Octopus hanging to dry

....plenty more pics taken, but don't know when I'll get to post them. I'll try my best to get pics posted every few weeks. It's tough and takes a lot of time.

Miss you all!!


Anonymous said...

It all looks so great! And I love your cute little smile. :) I'm glad you're having a good time and seeing the world.

Melissa said...

Wow!!!! The photos are beautiful . . . amazing. I'm happy for you . . . I am wallowing in a little envy. :) I'll get over it.

saamanta said...

beautiful pics!!! i know what you mean! i havent uploaded any pics the internet here is so damn slow im lucky if i get my email!! :)

sending you love and peace

Anonymous said...

Hey Shawna, great pics. Very interested to hear about Istanbul (not Constantinople).

Hey, add your blogs to the yoga directory I built.
